UPSC MAINS SOCIOLOGY SYALLABUS – Paper 1 – Chapter 9 – Systems of Kinship
(a) Family, household, marriage.
(b) Types and forms of family.
(c) Lineage and descent
(d) Patriarchy and sexual division of labour
(e) Contemporary trends.
- Kinship is the most universal and basic of all human relationships and is based on ties of blood, marriage, or adoption.
- The kinship system refers to a set of persons recognized as relatives, either, by virtue of a blood relationship technically called consanguinity, or by virtue of a marriage relationship, that is through what is called affinal or conjugal relationship.
- Raymond Firth in his ‘Two Studies of Kinship in London, 1956’ makes a further distinction in terms of ‘effective kin’ and ‘non-effective kin’ based upon extent of regular contact between kinship members.
- According to Harry Jhonson, kinship has five important bases –
I. Sex – It indicates sex of blood and conjugal relations in nomenclature like ‘brother’ and ‘sister’, ‘husband’ and ‘wife’.
II. Generation – For example the nomenclature – ‘father’ and ‘son’.
III. Closeness and intimacy – As in case of husband and wife.
IV. Blood relations – As in case of mother and child.
V. Lineage
- Consanguineal: This kinship is based on blood—or birth.
- Affinal: This kinship is based on marriage.
- Social: Schneider argued that not all kinship derives from blood (consanguineal) or marriage (affinal). There are also social kinships, where individuals not connected by birth or marriage may still have a bond of kinship, he said.
- Helps people better understand their relationships with each other.
- Sets guidelines for communication and interactions among people.
- Based on descent and lineage, kinship determines family-line relationships—and even sets rules on who can marry and with whom, says Puja Mondal in “Kinship: Brief Essay on
- Kinship.” Kinship is important to a person and a community’s well-being.
- Maintains unity, harmony, and cooperation among relationships.