• CSE Mains is also an offline exam.
  • Each paper of the mains examination will carries 250 marks.
  • Each paper is for 3 hours. 30 minutes are given extra to blind students.
  • CSE Mains exam has 9 papers among which there are 2 qualifying papers, 4 general studies papers, and 2 optional papers, and 1 essay paper.
  • Questions will be subjective in nature. They will be given in both Hindi and English language.
PapersMarks Allotted
Essay writing250 Marks
General Studies–I Indian Heritage and Culture, Indian and World History, Geography of the WorldSociety250 Marks
General Studies –II Governance, Constitution, Polity, Social Justice,International relations250 Marks
General Studies –III Technology, Economic Development, Environment and Biodiversity,Security,Disaster Management250 Marks
General Studies –IV Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude250 Marks
Optional Subject – Paper 1250 Marks
Optional Subject – Paper 2250 Marks
Sub Total in the written Test1750 Marks
Personal Interview275 Marks
Grand Total (for merit calculation)2025 Marks