Sociology – The Discipline
- Emergence of sociology in Europe.
- Compare Sociology with other Sciences.
- Sociology and modernisation of Europe.
- Comparative Method
Sociology as Science
- Methods of Scientific Investigation
- Design of Sociological Research
- Value-free Sociology
- Value neutrality
- Positivist approach
- Interpretivist approach
Research Methods and Analysis
- Participant Observation
- Questionnaire
- Reliability and Validity
- Sampling
- Quantitative methods
- Qualitative Methods
Sociological Thinkers
- Alienation
- Class Struggle
- Functionalism
- Mode of Production
- Marx’s Theory of Social Change
- Compare Marx and Durkheim
- Ideal Type
- Verstehen
- Pattern Variables
- Sacred and Profane
- Concept of Social Structure
- Social Fact
- Anomie
- Division of Labour
- Theory on Religion
- Protestant Ethic
- Bureaucracy
- Theory of Social Action
- Parson’s Theory of Social System
- Moving Equilibrium
- Conformity and Deviance
- Manifest and Latent functions
- Middle-range theories
Stratification and Mobility
- Functional theory of social stratification
- Social Class
- Social Status
- Vertical and horizontal mobility
- Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore’s theory of stratification.
Work and Economic Life
- Social consequences of Economic Development
- Feudal Society
- Capitalist Society
- Formal and Informal Organisation of Work
- World System Theory
Politics and Society
- Social movements
- Revolution
- Pressure Groups
- Power and legitimacy
- Ideology
- Bureaucracy
- C W Mill’s Power Elite
- Civil Society
- Collective Action
- Nation- State
Religion and Society
- Fundamentals of Religion
- Religious Pluralism
- Religion and Science
- Religion in Premodern Societies
- Secularisation
- Sociological theories of religion
System of Kinship
- Traditional family
- Household
- Alternative types of marriage
- Socialisation
- Lineage and Descent
- Role of family in Social control
Social Change in Modern Society
- Science and Social behaviour
- Modernisation
- Theories of Social Change
- Social impact of new technologies
- Education as an agent of social change.
Introducing Indian Society
- Traditional Hindu Social Organisation
- Ethnic diversity
- Impact of Religion on Indian Society
- Multiculturalism
- Sanskritisation
- Social background of Indian Nationalism
- Ghurye, Beteille, A R Desai, M N Srinivas
Rural and Agrarian Social Structure
- Feudalism
- Peasant society
- Neo-rich agrarian class
- Village studies
- Untouchability
- Changing rural power structure
Caste System
- Institutionalised inequality
- Caste mobility
- Social justice
- Dalit Consciousness
- Louis Dumont’s concept of Purity and Pollution
- Dominant Caste
Tribal Communities in India
- Integration of tribes
- Tribal unrest
- Isolation approach in tribal policy
- Tribe and Caste
Social Classes in India
- Urban Social Organisation
- Middle Class
- Industrial class structure
System of Kinship in India
- Inter-caste marriages
- Hindu-joint family
- Crisis of family n modern society
- Patriarchy
- Family Planning
- Challenges to institution of marriage
Religion and Society
- Secularism
- Minority status
- Religious fundamentalism
- Communal tensions
Visions of Social Change in India
- Mass media
- Urban development
- Education in modern context
- Adult illiteracy
- Protective discrimination
- Law and Social Change
- Tradition and modernity
Rural and Agrarian transformation in India
- Green revolution
- Bonded labour
- Poverty alleviation programmes
- Slum reform
- Agrarian development
Industrialisation and Urbanisation
- Occupational diversification
- Globalisation
- Market economy
- Economic reforms
- Industrial modernisation
Politics and Society
- Electoral reforms
- Panchayati Raj
- Decentralisation of power
- Regionalism
- Separatist tendencies
Social movements in Modern India
- Peasant movements
- Revivalist social movements
- Naxalbari movement
- Backward classes Movement
- Women empowerment
- Ethnic movements
Population Dynamics
- Checks on population
- Sex-ratio
- Demographic dividend
- Changing age-structure of India’s population
- Reproductive health
Challenges of Social Transformation
- Uniform Civil Code
- Social dimensions of corruption
- Constitution as a living document
- Child labour
- Sustainable development
- Violence against women
- Structural inequality